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Thursday, April 29, 2004

Here is a picture of my best friend Jose Manuel enjoying his weekend in the jungles of Veracruz.
Now tell me you don't want to be there...

New Addiction

Friday, April 23, 2004

This has got to be the best game in the world!
I can't stop...help....I can't stop playing!
AIIRIRGGRGGRGRGGGHHHHH...someone help me...I need more, I need more...
*Me playing this game*
My top score so far is 12,890...

Contest of Captions

Last week's contest was really bad; either the picture wasn't inspiring enough or you people just became to shy to participate. There was only one Contestant and so he wins by default, although his caption was quite witty. Matt Brumley.

Here is the pic for this week:

"An Iraqi man is interrogated after posters of Muqtada al-Sadr were found in his car at a traffic checkpoint on the outskirts of Najaf, Iraq, Friday April 16, 2004."

Earth Day...Or is it?

Thursday, April 22, 2004

Well, for the general public around the world, today is Earth Day. However, there are those that disagree. Here is an organization that claims Earth Day was on March 22nd, and a whole bunch of other stuff about the history of Earth Day.
But anyway, I don't give a rat's-behind when it really is, I just want to do something for the Earth. C'mon! To all of you out there wearing Earth shirts and caps, telling all your friends "Hey dude, today's Earth Day man, hug a tree". Why don't you shut your trap and actually go do something productive for the Earth? You live and crap in it for crying out loud!
So I will make every effort to participate in an Earth Day event. I also vow to pick up every piece of trash I see anywhere today and throw it in the garbage.
To make it easier on all the sluggards, here is a list of Earth Day events happening all over the world in the next few days. Type in your city and country in the search bar and go do something.

Dangerous Stress Levels?

Wednesday, April 21, 2004

Take this test; actually made by real Doctor's to evaluate dangerous stress levels:

Dolphin Stress Test

If it turns out that you have dangerous stress levels in your life, try my stress relief link in the links section.

Canine Desires

Monday, April 19, 2004

Yesterday Tats and I were hanging out at the mall with Birdy and Bryan (friends of hers that just got married). We were munching on some Quizno's (good stuff and hillarious Decomposing Hamsters), when two girls sat next to us with the cutest little dog you've ever laid eyes on. A Jack Russel Terrier puppy! Holy Canines what a dog!(his name was Leroy)
At first it was wonderful to gawk at him and pet him and hug him and kiss him and play with him, but then...we wanted one.
Something that at this moment of our lives is not financially viable. Why? Well first off, the dog probably costs from $350(which is what they got it for) all the way up to $1000. Then our apt. complex requires a $500 deposit to keep a dog plus $50 a month! No way man!
We'll just have to wait unitl we're making more money I guess...
We did have a chance at owning one yesterday though. Tatiana suggested I snatch the pup away from the girls and take off running. I didn't have the "cojones" (that's balls in slang for all you Spanish-illiterates) to do it...bummer.


Friday, April 16, 2004

Last week's Ingenious Writer of Captions is Joy my co-worker.

Here, have a heart:


Thursday, April 15, 2004

Ok...I was hanging out at Buzzstuff getting my morning fix and I got really riled up after reading his post on credit card nonsense, it's so true.
So here is my complaint: I have a debit card with my picture on it (And it's not one of those old pictures from when I was 15yrs old; it's current). Most times when I use it some cashiers will look at the card and ask me for some ID! They won't even look at me, it's like they trust a stupid ID card more than my own face! Isn't the picture on the Bank card and my actual real physical face enough to prove the card is mine?
So I have now begun to refuse them the extra ID and I make a scene until they realize the futility of their thinking. Making a scene always works

The Unth...sinkable

Wednesday, April 14, 2004

92 Years ago today the unthinkable happened or...should I say the unsinkable.

The "unsinkable" Titanic sank on April 14th 1912. I still remember when I received the horrible news...
...I was relaxing on my front deck swaying back and forth on a hammock, listening to the wonderful sound the rope made when it rubbed up against the wooden posts...eeiiii, eeiiii, eiii...I took a deep breath and savored the sweet warm smell of the fresh manure that had just been laid on my yard by my neighbor's God forsaken cow, mixed with a little skunk juice and the decomposing body of my cancer-stricken mutt...

Go On Take The Test

Now you can know for sure:

Are you a freak?

I personally turned out being a freak...but I already knew that.

For My Wife

Never try calling my house on a Sunday night between 9-10pm. Why? Well because either no one will answer, or my beautiful wife Tatiana will bite your head off over the phone. You see every Sunday between 9 and 10pm she is religiously watching Alias on ABC. Of course I am now watching it with her and I'll confess I kinda like it. It's similar to Splinter Cell in real life , only that the main character is a chick. Ironically they just released the video game version of Alias. Looks like I have the perfect tool to get Tatiana hooked on video games...this one she's gotta play. I'll use it as a "gateway drug" and then "push" her into other games....MMMUUUAAAHAHAHAHAHAA!!!

You Gotta Try This

Tuesday, April 13, 2004

Ahhh the mysteries of the brain:

Left brain, right brain: While sitting at your desk, lift your right
foot off the floor and make clockwise circles. Now, while doing this,
draw the number "6" in the air with your right hand.
Your foot will change direction and there's nothing you can do about it.

International Blog Day!

That's right ladies and gentlemen. There is a group of bloggers around the world that are trying to create the International Blog Day. It is set to happen on June 9th 2004. For more info click on the link.
Join the cause!
Personally I intend to celebrate it by devoting all my posts that day to the beauty of blogs. Oh I also plan on not coming in to work that day (I hope my boss isn't reading this)...heh.


Man...if it wasn't for laziness.
I sit here at my desk at Montezuma Publishing, and everyday I watch younger people come in and talk to the thesis processor about publishing their theses for graduation. I see what they have accomplished and I desire it.
I have the opportunity to go to graduate school because one of my benefits here is that they will pay my tuition if I choose to. I know I have the ability...I'm a pretty smart guy and I can be the best at school when I apply myself.
Not only that...I have so many books that I am dying to read. I have an idea to write a book, I have an idea for a small film that I want to make, I want to start running again, going to the gym, play tennis and basketball (the courts are at my apt. complex). Sooooo many things I want to do and can do, but I choose not to, because I'd rather sit on my couch and lay in my bed with my wife and play video games and watch TV and eat all day.
Unless I'm doing something for someone else I seldom do anything productive for myself.
If only I wasn't so flojo (that's lazy in Spanish)...rant, rant, rant.

Captions! Captions!

Friday, April 09, 2004

Here we go...last week's Caption Contest was won by Buzz.

Now take a shot at this one:

For Name's Sake

I just heard of a real guy whose name is Richard Simon, but he insists the last name is pronounced "Semen"...wait not only that, oh no, he also insists "Don't call me Richard...my friends call me Dick"...you do the math!

Here chick chick chick...

Holy Chickens Batman! This has got to be the funnest time-passing acticity on the net.
It is sheer genius; you must try ordering this chicken around.
All give thanks to Jason at Warped for finding this.
*Thanks Jason!*

Hang Him

Thursday, April 08, 2004

People that do stuff like this is why I still belive in the death penalty...

New Game

Tuesday, April 06, 2004

Well, after owning an XBOX for two years I finally decided to buy a new game. I've only owned one game for the past two years...HALO (no I'm not cheap, that's how good the game is...you don't need any others).

I've been hearing people rant about how good Splinter Cell was and since they came out with a new one called Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow, I became interested. A good friend of mine rented it and brought it over to the apt. for a few hours and that's all it took. I was hooked.
The moves you can do with the character are endless...you can do all the basic stuff like run, jump, crouch etc... but you have all these other realistic moves that have never been seen before. Like hanging from a line by your feet upside down to shoot an unsuspecting enemy in the head from above! Other cool little features are whistling and throwing objects to distract your enemy. You can also grab someone from behind and use them as a human shield! It's cool.
Variety in weaponry is a crucial ingredient for a good game. Available to you depending on the mission: anything from a laser operated microphone to listen in on conversations from afar, to the SC-20k which is an assault rifle with a multi-purpose launcher so you can shoot up to 6 different types of ammo and/or gadgets.
This game is a "must-have"


Friday, April 02, 2004

Ok, here's the deal...
A caption contest is something where you people make up the best line to go with the picture provided. Then I choose the best line to be the winner based on comedy and originality. So here goes:

From Ben's House

Thursday, April 01, 2004

I rarely get the chance to be online outside of work, since I don't own a computer, so I am posting from my friend Ben's house...
Seriously I am scared to buy a computer...If I am blogging 6 hours out of 8 at work, what will become of me if I can blog from home?
Arrrrghhhh! We'll see...

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