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Oh God Please No!!

Friday, February 27, 2004

Heavenly Father I pray and plead with you today. I pray for Tatiana and I that you protect us from what has happened to this man and woman; please God let this never ever happens to us. As you know God, we'll be getting married in a week and I was terrified when I read about this traumatic event...oh..no...please...no...have mercy on Tatiana and me and spare us from this torment through your grace and everlasting love. Amen

Ash Wednesday

Wednesday, February 25, 2004

Yesterday was Grey Tuesday (protest against copyright law in the music business), and today is Ash Wednesday.
I remember when I used to participate in this meaningless tradition that was concocted by some Bishop centuries ago that was probably high on ashes or ecstatic from his recent "meeting" with one of his altar boys. Can you believe that something just thought up by Men can become a command from the Church to participate in? I mean c'mon Catholicism actually considers it sin if you eat meat on Ash Wednesday and every Friday after that leading up to Easter! Whoah! Since when is man's words equal to God's words?

Note:You will never find anything even resembling this hollow tradition being a command for believers anywhere in the Bible. ( The Judaic Tradition of placing ashes on one's head to show grief or repentance, has nothing to do with the current day Catholic version and is a lame basis to say this tradition is biblical)

Note to Catholics:Go study your bible dude instead of going and having some guy in a long-wierd looking robe rub some ash (who knows where it really comes from) on your greasy forehead and mumbling something you don't even know if you really believe. Admit it...you're only doing it 'cause your mom and your grandma dragged you by the ears since you were a wee toddler and you had no choice over your beliefs. Time to grow up and smell the B.S.

The Best Bachelor Party Out There

Monday, February 23, 2004

What other activity on this planet gives you the following pleasures:
-High adrenaline
-Cardio work-out
-Hunting down the enemy
- Camaraderie
-Sweat, fear and courage.
-Pain, blood and scars.
-Get to shoot people.
-Watch your enemy squirm around in pain.
-Element of surprise.
-The Taste of Victory!

A Tirbute to PAINTBALL... by ME.
'Twas two weeks before marriage when all through the city not a guy was having as much fun as I. The evites were sent to the guys with much care, in hopes that they all would be up to the dare.
I sat in my desk awaiting responses, while visions of paintballs flew by in the dozens.
And soon we would be there, all covered in gear; trying to kill one another in fear.
Tatiana was hesitant to let her man go, fearing that he would be covered in sores.
Then they finally came, the responses arrived. Who would have thought that so many would try? Soon to find out that they surely would die.
Once on the fields we all ran and hid; diving and jumping and crouching we did.
And rolling and shooting and shouting as men, while paintballs zoomed and whizzed by our heads.
OUCH!!! The sting and the cry from the pain that it causes, not only the bullet but also the losses. Why did he beat me? I'm faster than him! How did he get me? I can't let him win!
You walk off the field with a look yet so somber, anxiously awaiting your return with a hunger.
The thrill of the hunt, the rush of the kill; Did you see how I shot the guy on the hill?
We all think we're Rambo or maybe Commando and then comes the next day when we all walk like changos.
With 23+ men a great battle arose; the groom had his fun, so much fun, too much fun that this couldn't be prose.

World War III

Wednesday, February 18, 2004

For those of you that believed Nostradamus' prediction of an Arab country firing nuclear weapons into the U.S. as the commencement of World War III, you were deceived. The real WWIII will take place here before our very screens as we witness the beginnings of what will be a full on battle to the finish between these three giants. So brace yourselves!

Good luck to my buddy Jason who works for Google. I hope he survives the battle.

To Find One's Self

Holy Cow!
This has got to be the weirdest thing to happen to a Teenager since puberty...

I gotta tell ya, this story made me think. We should all go check around some of these websites...you never know, heck maybe I belong to a filthy rich family...mhhh...I always had a hunch that my last name should have been Sony, Rockefeller, Heinz or Huntington.
Go look around...maybe you'll find yourself lost somewhere. Dang.

Pawn Takes Bishop

Tuesday, February 17, 2004

Sad but true...the reputation and trust of the Roman Catholic clergy keeps spinning down the "john" (no offense John).
Read this article
What won't they do?

Upgrade Check it!

The Blogger staff is cool! They hooked me up with a free upgrade because of some malfunctions and now I can post files directly from my PC.
Here are some pictures of my lovely Tats and me:

My Valentine

Monday, February 16, 2004

Ahh yes...what a Valentine it was!
Our last Valentine's Day before we get married.
Started off with a pre-marrital counseling session done by our minster and his wife, whom are also our friends, where we got to talk about each other, our strenghts and our weaknesses, and what we can do for each other to make one another feel loved.
Then off to purchase our wedding bands together (how romantic).
It was a wonderful experience, I found the perfect ring for me (after three hours of looking and trying on 300 rings{exaggeration}; I mean c'mon I'm gonna wear this on my finger for the rest of my life. I have to be absolutely sure; it's like picking a wife).
HIS: It's a 14k 10mm white gold ring with a satin finish down the middle and the must-have comfort fit interior, looks awesome.
HERS:Also 14K white gold curved 3.5mm to fit the engagement ring with 10 small diamonds, Twt: 4.3C, soldered to the engagement ring.
It was so fun...especially the little spill we had...hahaha, it was raining and the floor at the mall got super-duper slippery...well you know, both of us fell on our butts because yours truly was fooling around acting like he was slipping while holding on to Tatiana and whooops...aiiieeee.....swishhhhh.....booom....splash...."you jerk"! It was funny, especially for the cell-phone-booth lady watching us.
Then we were off to downlaod music for our ceremony and our reception...I can't wait, I'm walking in with my best men and groomsmen to the most awesome melody ever created (can't say what it is till after the wedding).
In the evening, we went out with another fun couple. We went to take pictures to various locations in La Jolla and then to have dinner at a great Indian Restaurant. I Love Mango Lassis! (I had three).
We had a barrel of laughs at the restaurant...heeheehee
After that we rented Return to Me (it's a good Valentine's flick, predictable but good).
Oh and we did some card tricks too...good times.

"My Love Can't Do Me No Harm"

Friday, February 13, 2004

I saw this picture a few weeks ago and I have been dying to post it...so here it is...enjoy.
James Brown arrested for domestic violence...

Gosh I love this picture! Thanks to Ariped for the picture

I think he's on Crack...note the grinding of the teeth...

"All is Lost, All is Lost"

Thursday, February 12, 2004

They did it!...they finally did it. It was just a matter of time. Those scientists...they cloned a human embryo!
This opens the door for you know what...you see the UN decided to not make a decision on banning all types of human cloning for the next 2 years...so everyone is scrambling to clone as much as they can before it becomes illegal.
Now that cloning a human embryo and extracting stem cells(so they can grow organs and stuff) are a reality, we are well within reach of witnessing a full-grown cloned human being or a "replicant" to steal a term from the great movie by Ridley Scott... Blade Runner. In the movie the term is used for androids, but nevertheless...
We will be in a world where a new discrimination will evolve...the racism and segregation that we know today (based on race) will be over...a new evil will come out of our hearts...we can call it "clonism"...based on your birth (human or clone). Imagine...black people will shoot their own race, white people will just add another group to their long list of rogue races, and Mexicans will shank their own kind....oh wait a minute...we already do that, doh.
Will they have souls? Did God plan them to exist? Will they be better than us? Will we fall in love with one? And who the heck will their parents be? The clonee or the scientist?
What about people that are born of clones? What about people that are born of clones and non-clones(that would be us)?
I leave it for discussion:

Shark Man

Wednesday, February 11, 2004

This guy is awesome Story Here, although the shark wasn't too big, what he did is still praiseworthy. Reminds me of three of my lifetime heros:
1.-Aron Ralston, the guy that cut his arm off trapped by a boulder
2.-The Iceman (Dragged a 300kg shark out of the water and killed it)
3.-Ash from the Evil Dead movies when he cuts off his own hand because it has been possessed.

Part of the Job

Tuesday, February 10, 2004

Welp...there's a first time for everything(cliche). I have interviewed and hired people many times, but today for the first time I had to lay someone off. Yes, "give them the boot", "let them go", "nice workin' with ya".
Whoah! I was a bit nervous, especially when she came into work and I had to play it off the whole day. Anyway finally I had to ask her to come over to my desk...if I thought about it for one more minute, I might have chickened out.
But...business is slow and if I don't cut her off, someone's gonna cut me off (that's the way it works). Kill or be killed.
She took it ok, no big deal, since this is just a part-time job for her while she comes to school (plus I think her parents are loaded). She took it better than I have ever taken it when its happened to me.
Whew...its over.


Ah yes...100 visitors to Bosquet-Land since January 15th 2004. Thank you all for not making me feel like I am writing to imaginary penguins...here's to you the reader.

(check the counter at the bottom of the page)

Bridal Shower


Wow...never thought I would say that out-loud, but it's true. Tatiana's co-workers had a co-ed Bridal Shower and I was invited (my first one ever). I loved it, it's just like Christmas and your birthday put together and everyone wants to buy you expensive gifts...and gifts that you actually asked for! AMAZING!
Dude they got us over $500 worth of stuff! Rock on TSRI !!!
We got this awesome knife set...man...let me see if I can find a link to it

~~~~~Really Tough Game~~~~~

Monday, February 09, 2004

Check it out:
Pearls Before Swines II


Friday, February 06, 2004

This is a necessary post for those of you that read the previous post and thought "oh it sounds like a movie I saw, it probably didn't happen"

It may sound like a movie and you fail to feel my enthusiasm because you fail to see the depth here:

He was being punished for a crime and those that were carrying out the punishment on him in turn committed crimes against him, which opened the door for him to punish the man that had done the crime against him in the first place.
All the bad stuff happened to him so that he could have his "Sweet Vengeance" it was part of the grand plan.

I know you're all going: "Ooooooooh that's deep dude"

Sweet Vengeance

I just heard a true story from one of my employees:

Her nephew was 11 years old when he was walking home from school one day and two men and a woman abducted him.
They took him to their home (in the same neighborhood as his house), where they proceeded to drug him, torture him and sexually abuse him. They let him go and told him that if he told or if he didn't come back voluntarily every afternoon that they would trigger the bomb under his mother's car. The boy continued to go to the house everyday. This lasted for a month.
His parents noticed that money was missing from their wallets and purses, (he had been steeling money to take to the pedophiles because they threatened to rape his little sister also) so his parents thought he was doing drugs. They confronted him one day and said "Ok we know everything that's been going on just tell us and we'll help you". He then began to tell them the horrible things that had been happening for the past month. The mother went into shock as her son explained the horrible things they were doing to him everyday...
The sheriffs dept. was taking too long to arrest the pedophiles so my co-workers' brother (the kids father who is a firefighter) went over to the house with four firefighters and performed a citizen's arrest. The woman and one man fled but the other man was captured.

Many years later the poor boy felt the repercussions of these traumatic events...he got into a life of drugs and crime, he spent some time in a mental hospital and was finally incarcerated for hijacking a car. He was sent to Corcoran Prison, which is known for guard brutality. This is the prison where allegedly guards would set-up gladiator-style fights among prisoners (Fight Club style) (article here). He was supposed to serve a short prison term. Well apparently he was involved in one of these ring fights were he ended up almost killing another prisoner...according to the story, the guards could not cover-up the injuries and blamed it on the nephew. He was sentenced to a longer prison term and was re-located to another prison. It was here at this new prison where he ended up crossing paths with the man who had abused him years ago when he was a child.
That man, David Rice, is now a paraplegic due to a severe beating...

I call it "Sweet Vengeance"

The Real Deal

Wednesday, February 04, 2004

For all you Americans that contribute to the defamation of my country, ie: "Oh be careful down there they'll mug you" or "Don't eat at any taco stands or street vendors, you'll get sick" or "Oh my it's so dangerous down there with all the crime and the traffic".....I have one thing to say: Please go spend sometime in Mexico with the right people and go to the right places.
Mexico City is a wonderful place full of culture, beauty and wonderful food. The people are warm and interesting. I did not experience anything hostile or threatening (other than Dibella's driving) that gave the impression of a dangerous city.
All those horror stories that you hear also happen in New York and LA, it's not a Mexico thing.

The Three Amigos

Tuesday, February 03, 2004

This Post is for my three friends in Mexico City, Julio, Jose Manuel, and Fernando, for making this trip the best trip I have ever taken. They treated me like a movie star! They took me everywhere, Jose Manuel skipped work for 2 evenings , Julio asked to work half a day on Friday and Fernando took me on a guided tour (he was the guide). They all spent beacoup bucks on me. Especially on Friday night when we went to an exclusive club with a $25 dlls cover charge...these guys bought three $125 dlls champagne bottles! (Shampoo y acondicionador). They took me to the best restaurants and I saw all the sights there were to see... Gracias Carnales!

Back in Town

It's good to be back in San Diego! I had the most incredible time in Mexico City with my friends. It has got to be the best vacation I have ever taken...by far.
Like I wrote before we went to the Pyramids on Saturday ( yes Egypt is not the only place with pyramids). There is an ancient city in Mexico called Teotihuacan the City of the Gods (great website with pics and movies). We spent all day there, what an adventure!
It is amazing to see an ancient culture unkown for the most part, so close. The pyramids were found by the Aztecs (many people erroneously think the Aztecs built them) they were built by an ancient culture called the Teotihuacanos.
It was great, after all the pyramid climbing, we ate at an incredible restaurant called La Gruta (The Cave), yes its a restaurant inside a cave!The food was incredible...actually everyday I ate like a king. This restaurant is a must see by anyone that goes to Teotihaucan I stood in awe when I first walked in.
More about the trip later...

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