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From Mexico City

Thursday, January 29, 2004

Well, here I am, Mexico City baby! The plane didn't crash and burn. Praise Mexicana Airlines. They are actually recognized internationally as the best airline in Latin America. I also have ot give it up to the man upsatirs for watching over the plane.
The city is incredible, its so big that when you're flying in it extends as far as the eye can see! What a sight!
I am posting from Fernando and Dibella's apartment and from a MAC...
Tomorrow Fernando will take me cruising through the downtown area and Saturday we're off to the pyramids!
More posts to come tomorrow!
Tats... I miss you already...

Mexico City

Wednesday, January 28, 2004

Tomorrow at 10:40am my flight leaves for Mexico City. I am taking a four-day vacation down there with some of my childhood friends. I am a little nervous since I have only flown twice in my life. I have a weird feeling that the plane is gonna crash (that would suck since I'm getting married on March 6th).
Anyway, it should be fun. I'll try to post from the largest Metropolitan Area in the World (597 square miles) (second largest in population)with a population of 20,267,000 people!
I will terribly miss my beautiful fiance Tatiana. I'll be back soon Tats.

Holy-Bombardment Batman

Last night I was sitting in the theater with my beautiful fiance (we celebrated our 3-yr anniv.) waiting for Mystic River (Awesome Movie by the way) to begin, when all of a sudden, we get bombarded by those annoying commercials before the previews!
As I sat there with my brain soaking in all these persuasive-brainwashing marketing techniques, and getting ticked off at all the struggling model/actors, that landed a Hershey commercial, because they were happily grinning at me while they were eating their Hershey bars (without realizing that they were ruining my movie experience), I detached my brain from the present situation and transported myself back to the past, kind of like the Butterfly Deffect (Horrible Movie read this review), and found myself sitting in the same theater say... 3 years ago when commercials on the big screen were non-existent...ohhh those were the days, when you could go to the theater and forget about all the stupid things that you don't need but you buy them anyway because of some stupid commercial that hypnotized you with it's Satanic Powers!

Good-for-Business Law Suit

Tuesday, January 27, 2004

I am in the University publishing business. I'm the Asst. Manager at Montezuma Publishing at SDSU. We publish course readers for professors to use in their class. In a nutshell...A prof brings a bunch of articles and we make it into a book and then place them on the shelves at the bookstore.
By Copyright Law if you are to reproduce anyone else's materials for distribution or sales, you must seek their permission (yes even making copies at the library for distribution).
Anyway, finally something was done about our off-campus competition KB books. That's what they get for breaking the law. I am sure business will soar now after this fiasco. Woohooo!

Cool quiz for Geeks

Monday, January 26, 2004

Click on Yoda and find out who you would be in the sci-fi world!

Which Fantasy/SciFi Character Are You?

At Rob Brown's House

Sunday, January 25, 2004

Since I don't own a PC at home, I took the opportunity to post on Rob Brown's laptop that his private college provided him for taking classes there. Can you believe it? They offer you a laptop and include the cost in your tuition for only $1300 when retail price is $2400...that is a good deal! Oh and free wireless Internet!
When will public colleges get up to date? They keep increasing tuition costs every semester, because of budget cuts, yet they continue to "upgrade" the infrastructure like building million dollar bridges and keeping the president's office looking like Tony Montana's private quarters. They cut majors and graduate programs and they cut many sections of classes that are necessary for graduation while they continue to accept more students than they have room for!
Oh why, why, why?

Loud Mouth

Friday, January 23, 2004

As many of you know I am quite a loud-mouth...
Here is my opinion on the SDSU mascot issue when I was interviewed by two different papers:

Crime vs. Culture

Give me a break! Read this article on how Mexico City is trying to reduce the crime in their subway system...by giving books out!
Sure reading is a great thing, but now you'll have someone mugging you and quoting Shakespeare at the same time!
Wowzers...I'm headed for the hand-chopping capital on Thursday...we'll see if I get mugged by a book-worm.


Thursday, January 22, 2004

Well I tried upgrading into comments-world but nothing worked excpet the stupid HaloScan tag! Arrrrgggghhh!

Physical Training

I'm excited...today my lovely fiance is coming over to the new pad and we are both gonna hit the weights together. They have a small gym with about 12 different machines pretty much for any muscle you can think of.
I am glad to help her jump into the wonderful land of weight training...
I'll post tomorrow to let everyone know how it went...

Sorry for the Delay Ace!

My bad, haven't posted for a few days I have been so busy planning the next step into Married-land...off to a bad blogstart I guess...
Anyway I am kind of discouraged that I don't have the ability to do a comments field on this dumb free blog-host!
I have a few Blog-savvy friends and I need to ask them for some assistance.

Dirty Little Town

Friday, January 16, 2004

Holy Crap! I can't believe this is true. Imagine being born in this town!
Check it out:

Awesome Blog

Thursday, January 15, 2004

I check this blog everyday, it inspired me to join the black hole of information in the Blog-World theshugars.com

To the one I Love

This blog is dedicated to my beautiful fiance, Tatiana. I can't wait to marry her on March 6th...
We just got our new apartment two days ago and I'll be moving in on Saturday. She will continue to stay with her grandma until the wedding...you see we're doing it the old fashioned way (which we believe is the right way) by not getting sexually involved with one another until we are married, hey it works out great, maybe you should try it...


Thanks for coming I hope I can make your experience entertaining...
Wow! I'm in. First post, can't believe it. If I knew this crap was for free, I would've started decades ago.

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